The Multi-Sector Business Survey of Datanalisis Scenarios is a multi-client survey conducted at a national level in the main sectors of the economy.
Substantial savings because the fixed costs of the survey are shared.
The results of the queries are only known by the contracting party.
The price of the research depends on the number and type of queries, so you can design your budget.
The results of your queries will be available approximately 20 days after the start of the fieldwork.
You can choose when and how many measurements you will conduct according to your schedule.
You will receive your data in an aggregated form and cross-referenced by variables such as sector of activity, size and regional location, with the possibility of requesting additional cross-referencing of your data with other general variables within the measurement.
You design your questions with the advice of Datanalisis specialists.
We help you to facilitate decisions with market studies.
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